Saturday 3 September 2011


Are you just angry at your life? Angry at the people surrounding you? Angry at yourself? Not satisfied with the things that you have? Wish you could have this, that and .......blah blah blah?

'and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.'

Al-Baqarah. 216

Saturday 20 August 2011


Why do we sometimes find it so hard just to put on a smile? Even when other people is smiling right at us or giving us a friendly gesture. Yes, we may be in our moments of despair, grief, disconsolate, lugubrious and sorrow at the time but as I said ,'sometimes'; when we are not feeling grumpy and all. Is it our ego? or just our manner? That's something we would have to reflect on our self.

“Smiles can communicate feelings as different as love or contempt, pride or submission, flirtatiousness or polite tolerance.”

Believe it or not, smiling is actually contagious as it spread the 'positive-happy virus' around the room. Some of us may already know about this, but here are a few others benefits of smiling:

-Smiling makes a person more attractive (and trust me, I find a person way more attractive when they put on a smile) 
We are drawn to people who smile. There's this attraction factor that makes us want to know them and figure out what's so good. Frowns and scowls only push others away.

-Smiling changes our mood
 Why not the next time you are feeling sorrow and down, try putting on a smile on your face and there's a pretty good chance that you will feel a lot better. Who knows, it could also make you forget why you're feeling down in the first place.

-Smiling relieves stress
 Stress can really show up in our face and trust me, it doesn't look good or attractive on us. So, be optimistic and have a positive outlook on everything:) InsyaAllah you'll be fine.

Make yourself comfortable and enjoy the video above. And hopefully by the end of it, it'll make you smile like it made me. (just don't get stress up if the buffering is taking so long) From me, never lose that smile:)


Friday 12 August 2011


The first part of it is mercy; the middle of it is forgiveness, and its last part is freedom from the Hellfire

          The month of fasting is finally here. And alhamdulillah,  we're given the chance to be in this noble month of Ramadhan. Let's make use of our time in this Ramadhan because we may never know what will happen to us after this. Will we see the next Ramadhan? So, sit down and muhasabah ourself. Think of our countless sins since the last Ramadhan. 
           Even though it's the middle of Ramadhan already, still, it's never to late to ask for forgiveness from Allah as what the prophet Muhammad had said, the middle of it(ramadhan) is forgiveness.

         To all muslims, I would like to wish 'Happy Fasting'. Let's us together pray to Allah may He'll give us the strength, forgiveness, and of course, the patience to embrace this holy month of Ramadhan. amin.


Saturday 6 August 2011


       Everyone can change and this is one of my first step to change myself for the better. I never like to write my thoughts before this, but lately this passion somehow grew inside me. Weird huh??
Nevertheless, I feel this is a great platform for me to improve myself in terms of my writings, confidence and my way of seeing things in life And, if it's my destiny, inspire YOU.

      This is no easy task. Trying to improve ourself I mean. We will always have to face the challenges and obstacles life has to offer. Work, school, stress, and life itself. But not to worry, that will only make us stronger as the saying 'what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger' right? Just look at everything with an optimistic and positive mindset and I'm sure we'll be fine.

I will try my best to keep this blog alive and updated. Wish me luck:)
